Preparing to Harvest Bishop’s Crown Peppers

Harvesting Bishop’s Crown peppers, known for their distinct three-sided shape, is an exciting time for any chilli gardener. These unique peppers, named for their resemblance to a bishop’s mitre, are typically ready to be picked when they turn from green to a vibrant red, though some varieties might mature to a yellow or orange hue.

Bishop's Crown Peppers
Bishop’s Crown Peppers

To determine if your peppers are ready for harvest, gently squeeze them. They should feel firm but not too hard. The skin should be glossy and smooth. If the pepper gives slightly under pressure, it’s likely ready to pick.

When harvesting, use sharp scissors or pruners to cut the peppers from the plant, leaving a small portion of the stem attached to the fruit. This helps prevent damage to the plant and extends its productivity. After harvesting, store your peppers in a cool, dry place. They can be used fresh, dried, or even pickled to add a sweet, mild heat to your dishes.

Growing Bishop’s Crown peppers requires patience, but the reward of their unique shape and flavor is well worth the wait!