Author: Chilli farmer

All the colours of a Bolivian Rainbow
Chilli Peppers Types

Bolivian Rainbow

The Bolivian Rainbow chili pepper is a visually striking and flavorful variant known for its vibrant array of colors and moderate heat. Overall, the Bolivian Rainbow chili pepper is prized for its stunning appearance, moderate heat, and versatile culinary applications, making it a favorite among chili enthusiasts and gardeners alike.

Habanero Orange and Habanero Chocolate (Capsicum Chinense)
Chilli Peppers Types

Habanero Chocolate

The “Habanero Chocolate” habanero chili variant is a deliciously spicy pepper known for its unique combination of heat and flavor. It’s named “chocolate” due to its rich, deep brown color when ripe, resembling dark chocolate. Overall, this pepper is a prized ingredient for chili enthusiasts and adventurous cooks alike, offering a tantalizing combination of heat […]


Chilli stuff

When it comes to the spicy stuff, our motto is that it is never too much and we need to be ready all the time, so chillies and other spicelaties stashed in almost every corner of our kitchen 😉

All the colours of a Bolivian Rainbow

All the colours of a Bolivian Rainbow

Here are the results of Bolivian Rainbow chilli flowers spotted back in early August. They really do make a colourful and bright addition to your garden – or your home, as they can also be grown indoors and will keep producing its colourful fruits continuously, all year round. Which also gave us an excellent idea […]

Tomatoes and Jalapenos, a few pods of Bolivian rainbow and lots of Cherry bombs.

Today’s little harvest

Today’s little harvest: a couple of tomatoes and jalapenos, a few pods of Bolivian rainbow and lots of cherry bombs. Still waiting for ripening of super hots while hoping for sunny Oct 😉