Month: September 2020

Tomatoes and Jalapenos, a few pods of Bolivian rainbow and lots of Cherry bombs.

Today’s little harvest

Today’s little harvest: a couple of tomatoes and jalapenos, a few pods of Bolivian rainbow and lots of cherry bombs. Still waiting for ripening of super hots while hoping for sunny Oct 😉


What to do with un-ripened peppers?

So, 2020 was (still is) tough in many aspects, one of them being chilli growing. In our parts, there was a slow start with cold and rainy weather most of the time during May and June. As a result, many pepper plants from our garden have lots of un-ripened peppers. So what to do with […]


Tomato harvest continued

Our chillies still haven’t ripened enough but tomatoes, on the other hand, are “in the zone” and keep on giving 😉 Here we go, attaching daily batches of tomatoes from this week, straight outta garden. Also, it is quite a privilege of being able to go into your garden and cherry-pick most of the ingredients […]