Tag: flower

The Bishop Crown Chilli Flower
Chilli Garden, Chilli Pepper Varieties

The Bishop’s Crown Chilli Flower

The Bishop’s Crown chilli flower is a delicate and charming bloom that signals the beginning of a fruitful chilli plant. Appearance Growth and Development Ideal Growing Conditions The Bishop’s Crown chilli flower is a testament to the beauty and diversity of chilli plants. With proper care, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of these unique […]

Bolivian Rainbow chili flower
Chilli Garden

Bolivian Rainbow chili flower

Bolivian Rainbow chilli flower spotted. It is a stunningly beautiful plant with all the colours of a rainbow, all on one plant. But there is more,with 30-50k Scoville heat units, that’s four to twelve times hotter than a jalapeño, so these good looking ornamentals also pack a surprising punch 😉