Tag: chilli

Capsicum chinense Flower
Chilli Garden

The Beauty of the Habanero Flower 🌸

Habanero peppers are widely known for their intense heat and distinctive fruity flavor, but before these fiery chilies develop, they start as delicate and beautiful flowers. The Habanero flower, often overlooked in favor of its spicy fruit, plays a crucial role in the pepper’s life cycle and adds a touch of elegance to the garden. […]

Home-Grown Chili Powder Production

Homemade Chili Powder

Growing your own chilies and turning them into homemade chili powder is a rewarding and creative way to enhance your culinary experience. Not only does it allow you to control the flavor and heat level, but it also adds a personal touch to your kitchen and makes for unique, thoughtful gifts. Home-grown of chili powder […]

Early Naga Morich Pepper
Chilli Garden

Early Naga Morich Pepper

The Naga Morich, often regarded as one of the hottest chili peppers in the world, is a prized variety among chili enthusiasts. Here’s an early pod of the Naga Morich pepper, still in its green, unripe stage. At this point, the pepper is beginning to develop its characteristic bumpy, wrinkled texture—a telltale sign of the […]

Cherry Bomb Pepper
Chilli Pepper Varieties

Cherry Bomb Pepper

The Cherry Bomb pepper is a captivating addition to any garden. Known for its vibrant color and versatile culinary uses, this pepper is a favorite among chili enthusiasts. The Cherry Bomb pepper is a small, round pepper that typically grows to about the size of a cherry tomato. It is known for its bright red […]

Transplanting Chilli Peppers into the Garden
Chilli Garden

Transplanting Chilli Peppers into the Garden

Transplanting chilli peppers into the garden is an exciting step in cultivating a bountiful harvest. Here are some essential tips to ensure your peppers thrive in their new home: 1. Preparing the Soil: 2. Timing the Transplant: 3. Planting Process: 4. Ongoing Care: By following these steps, your chilli peppers will establish well and produce […]

The Bishop Crown Chilli Flower
Chilli Garden, Chilli Pepper Varieties

The Bishop’s Crown Chilli Flower

The Bishop’s Crown chilli flower is a delicate and charming bloom that signals the beginning of a fruitful chilli plant. Appearance Growth and Development Ideal Growing Conditions The Bishop’s Crown chilli flower is a testament to the beauty and diversity of chilli plants. With proper care, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of these unique […]

Chilli Pepper Varieties


The jalapeño chili is a medium-sized pepper known for its vibrant flavor and moderate heat. Originating from Mexico, these peppers are typically harvested while green but can ripen to a red hue. Jalapeños range from 2,500 to 8,000 Scoville heat units, providing a noticeable kick without overwhelming spiciness. They are versatile in the kitchen, often […]

Overwintered Bolivian Rainbow
Chilli Garden

Overwintered Bolivian Rainbow Looking Great

This morning, our overwintered Bolivian Rainbow pepper plant is looking vibrant and healthy! 🌈 Despite the challenges of winter, the plant has thrived and is now showcasing its lush green foliage. Bolivian Rainbow peppers are known for their stunning, multicolored fruits that add a splash of color to any garden. Overwintering peppers can be a […]

All the colours of a Bolivian Rainbow
Chilli Pepper Varieties

Bolivian Rainbow

The Bolivian Rainbow chili pepper is a visually striking and flavorful variant known for its vibrant array of colors and moderate heat. Overall, the Bolivian Rainbow chili pepper is prized for its stunning appearance, moderate heat, and versatile culinary applications, making it a favorite among chili enthusiasts and gardeners alike. Summary