Tag: raspberry

Harvesting Raspberries
Chilli Garden

From Garden to Table: Raspberries

There’s something magical about harvesting fresh raspberries from your own garden. The vibrant red berries glisten in the sunlight, promising a burst of sweetness and flavor that store-bought varieties can rarely match. Growing and picking your own raspberries offers not only a delicious reward but also a deeply satisfying connection to nature. Today, I had […]

Delight in Fresh Raspberries
Chilli Garden

Allotment Snacks from Our Garden

There’s nothing quite like the taste of fresh raspberries picked straight from the garden. Our allotment is bursting with these vibrant, juicy berries, making it the perfect time to enjoy nature’s candy. Raspberries are not only delicious but also packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. Harvest and Enjoy Whether you eat them fresh, add them […]

Habanero Smothie Hot Sauce

Habanero Smoothie Hot Sauce

Sharing a couple of photos made during the preparation of Habanero Smoothie Hot Sauce with kiwi, raspberry, pineapple and lemon. Inspired by a Twitter post from @my pepper project. After all the ingredients were sliced they were ready for a blender. The initial taste was a bit too spicy, so we added a couple of […]