Tag: Homegrown

First Fruits of Our Kaki Tree
Chilli Garden

First Fruits of Our Kaki Tree

Last year, for my birthday, I received a special gift: a young kaki tree. We planted it in a sunny spot in the garden, hoping it would thrive. Over the past year, after diligent tending, watering, pruning, and watching it grow stronger and taller. Now, it is bearing its first fruits. The sight of these […]

Tomatoes Thriving in the Garden
Chilli Garden

Tomatoes Thriving in the Garden

It’s a joy to see our tomatoes thriving beautifully in the garden this season! The plants are robust, with lush green leaves and sturdy stems, all thanks to the consistent care and favorable weather. Tied securely to stakes, they are well-supported and on their way to producing a bountiful harvest. As always, in gardening, we […]

Delight in Fresh Raspberries
Chilli Garden

Allotment Snacks from Our Garden

There’s nothing quite like the taste of fresh raspberries picked straight from the garden. Our allotment is bursting with these vibrant, juicy berries, making it the perfect time to enjoy nature’s candy. Raspberries are not only delicious but also packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. Harvest and Enjoy Whether you eat them fresh, add them […]

Starting a new garden
Chilli Garden

Starting a new garden

Starting a new garden is a rewarding adventure, filled with the promise of fresh vegetables, beautiful flowers, and a closer connection to nature. Try to never let your space lay fallow. Plant something ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hereโ€™s a step-by-step guide to kickstart your gardening journey. 1. Choose the Right Location 2. Prepare the Soil 3. Plan Your […]

The best advice in the current situation.
Chilli Garden, Fun

Keep Calm and Carry on Gardening

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, the mantra “Keep Calm and Carry On Gardening” encourages us to stay calm, focused, and connected to the earth. In these uncertain times, gardening offers a serene escape from the chaos of daily life. The act of tending to plants and watching them flourish can be incredibly […]