Tag: garden

Chilli Garden

Wasp Spider: A Natural Pest Controller

This morning, our chilli garden welcomed an interesting new visitor – a stunning wasp spider – a natural pest controller. Known for their striking black and yellow patterns, these spiders are harmless to humans but excellent at controlling garden pests. They weave intricate webs, which add a touch of natural artistry to the greenery. While […]

Starting a new garden
Chilli Garden

Starting a new garden

Starting a new garden is a rewarding adventure, filled with the promise of fresh vegetables, beautiful flowers, and a closer connection to nature. Try to never let your space lay fallow. Plant something 😉 Here’s a step-by-step guide to kickstart your gardening journey. 1. Choose the Right Location 2. Prepare the Soil 3. Plan Your […]

Chilli Garden

Chilli Garden During The Winter

Here’s our chilli garden during the winter. It is gearing up for 2020 chilli pepper season! With the soil prepped and seedlings ready to go, we’re looking forward to a bountiful harvest. We’ve selected a variety of chilli peppers, from mild to super-hot, to cater to all taste preferences. This season, we’re also implementing new […]