Tag: chilli gardening

Un-ripened peppers plants pulled out of the ground.
Chilli Garden

What to do with un-ripened peppers?

So, 2020 was (still is) tough in many aspects, one of them being chilli growing. In our parts, there was a slow start with cold and rainy weather most of the time during May and June. As a result, many pepper plants from our garden have lots of un-ripened peppers. So what to do with […]

Hot Sauces

Hot Sauces Bohor’c

Thanks to Andraž from Pekoča omaka Bohorc for delivery of hot sauce package containing bottles of Obič’n and Pr’žgan with mild and smokey flavours and very spicy Apostol for most hardcore pyrogourmaniacs. Added to our hot sauce collection. Also had a nice chat with him where he gave us a couple of chilli seeds packages […]