Tag: 2024

Obedient Plant (Physostegia virginiana)
Chilli Garden

Beautiful Obedient Plant (Physostegia Virginiana)

Here’s beautiful Obedient Plant (Physostegia Virginiana) which is known for its tubular white flowers that bloom on tall spikes, adding elegance to our chilli garden. This beautiful plant is characterized by its tall spikes of tubular white flowers, which bloom from late summer to early fall. Named for its flexible stems, which can be bent […]

Tomatoes Thriving in the Garden
Chilli Garden

Tomatoes Thriving in the Garden

It’s a joy to see our tomatoes thriving beautifully in the garden this season! The plants are robust, with lush green leaves and sturdy stems, all thanks to the consistent care and favorable weather. Tied securely to stakes, they are well-supported and on their way to producing a bountiful harvest. As always, in gardening, we […]

Delight in Fresh Raspberries
Chilli Garden

Allotment Snacks from Our Garden

There’s nothing quite like the taste of fresh raspberries picked straight from the garden. Our allotment is bursting with these vibrant, juicy berries, making it the perfect time to enjoy nature’s candy. Raspberries are not only delicious but also packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. Harvest and Enjoy Whether you eat them fresh, add them […]

Repotting Our Habanero Orange
Chilli Garden

Repotting Our Habanero Orange

We’re repotting our vibrant Habanero Orange plants in order to give them a little extra space to grow strong and healthy. Repotting our Habanero Orange peppers is necessary step in ensuring they thrive and produce abundant spicy fruits. Here’s how we do it: Regular care, including watering and occasional feeding, will help your Habanero Orange […]

Overwintered Bolivian Rainbow
Chilli Garden

Overwintered Bolivian Rainbow Looking Great

This morning, our overwintered Bolivian Rainbow pepper plant is looking vibrant and healthy! 🌈 Despite the challenges of winter, the plant has thrived and is now showcasing its lush green foliage. Bolivian Rainbow peppers are known for their stunning, multicolored fruits that add a splash of color to any garden. Overwintering peppers can be a […]